"November, 1960 - The Country Guide - Canada. "

(1496) November, 1960 - The Country Guide - Canada. -Condition: Good Plus Wonderful Cover Illustration of a bear up a tree. Articles and stories include: Turkeys By the Ton, Farm Policies Compared, Farmyard Playground, Eggs In a New Light, The Gift of Spice, Handicrafts, and much more. There are many nice ads which include: 1961 Pontiac, New Holland Machines, Pioneer Chain Saws, John Deere (Large two page ad with large photos), Chevy Trucks (large photos), Penmans Mens Underwear, Magic Baking Powder, and many more. Oversized Magazine measures 10" by 14". It has 58 pages. NOTE: Scan does not show complete cover. Price: $12.00 + shipping.
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