"April, 1950 - Farmer's Magazine - Canada. "

(1498) April, 1950 - Farmer's Magazine - Canada. -Condition: Good Plus Wonderful Cover Photo of young girl with a lap full of baby chicks. Articles and stories include: Grow Clover, New Bacon Hogs Too Fat, Hybrid Corn, The Family's Health, Notes from the Garden and Orchard, Needlework, Fashions, Cooking, Quilt Pattern, and much more. There are many nice ads which include: Beauty Pumps, Absorbine Jr., Chevrolet, Oliver Farm Machines, International Harvester, Frigidare Refrigerators, Five Roses Flour, Purina, and many more. Oversized Magazine measures 10" by 14". It has 80 pages. NOTE: Scan does not show complete cover. Price: $12.00 + shipping.
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