"July 26, 1897 - The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions - Boston, MA."

(1719) July 26, 1897 - The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions - Boston, MA. Condition: Very Good. Receipt measures 8 1/2" by 5 1/2" and has been folded. This receipt was presented to the Milton Church and Reve. H. S. Huntington. It was a receipt for the amount of $1.00. There is a complete list of the officers on the left side of the receipt. The back of the receipt has a list of publications. this Board was officially chartered on June 20, 1812 in the Commonwealth of MA. The first missionaries saild for Calcutta, India In February, 1812. Interesting NOTE: One of the founders of the Mission was Jedidiah Huntington who had been appointed by George Washington to serve as Collector of Customs in New London, Connecticut. His son was Rev. Joshua Huntington who was pastor of the Old South Church from 1811 to 1819, and was also secretary of the Foreign Mission Society of Boston. Item # 15 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
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