" Majestic Theatre - New York - 1948 - Allegro. "

(1795) Majestic Theatre - New York - 1948 - Allegro. -Condition: Very Good. Play starred Annamary Dickey, William Ching, and Edward Platt. Music and lyrics by Rodgers and Hammerstein, choreography was by Agnes de Mille. This playbill has wonderful ads including: Chesterfield Cigarettes (Picture of Claudette Colbert and her signature), Camel Cigarettes with picture of Mary Goodfellow (famous hat designer), Oldsmobile, many perfumes, many liquor ads, and much more. Articles include: Fashion news, general articles etc. Playbill measures 6 1/2 " by 8 1/2" and has 44 pages. Binding is tight and pages are in very good condition. There is one small tear on edge of front cover and one corner of back cover is missing. Price: $10.00 + shipping.
©1997 DenKen Productions,email denken@denken.com