" Imperial Theatre - New York - 1953 - Wish You Were Here. "

(1796) Imperial Theatre - New York - 1953 - Wish You Were Here. -Condition: Very Good. Play starred Patricia Marand, Jack Cassidy, Sheila Bond, Sidney Armus, Paul Valentine, John Perkins, Sammy Smith, and Harry Clark. This playbill has wonderful ads including: Chesterfield Cigarettes (Picture of Ed Sullivan and his signature), many other cigarette ads, Buick, many perfumes, many liquor ads, and much more. Playbill measures 6 1/2 " by 9" and has 37 pages. Binding is tight and pages are in very good condition. There is a loose insert in the playbill advertising Rosalind Russell in Wonderful Town at the Winter Garden Theatre opening February 25, 1953. Price: $12.00 + shipping.
©1997 DenKen Productions,email denken@denken.com