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Reverend Henry Strong Huntington Papers.
(Huntington Group)
The Reverend Henry Strong Huntington (1836-1920) was a Congregational Minister in New Hampshire, Illinois, Maine, and Massachusetts. A collection of his family's letters and papers is housed at the Yale University Divinity Library Special Collections. Reverend Huntington was married to Mary Lawrence Herbert (1841-1924?). He graduated from Yale College in 1857 and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1862. From 1863 to 1872 Reverend Huntington was a minister at the Congretional Church in Warner, NH. He married Mary Herbert in 1870. From 1872 to 1876 he was minister at the First Church of Galesburg, IL. The Reverend and Mary had six children, four of whom were involved in Mission Work in Turkey. Mary Lawrence (Herbert) Peabody, Mary Huntington's aunt was also a missionary to Turkey in the mid-nineteenth century.
This collection of Reverend Huntington's papers includes fifteen items. Each item is described below with links to photos of the item. Price includes all fifteen papers. When ordering these items please request the HUNTINGTON GROUP.
Price: $240.00 - ***FREE Shipping***.
(1705) Letterhead - April 15, 1909 - Chas E. Gibson - Western Lands - Boston, MA. Condition: Very Good. Letterhead measures 8 1/2" by 11" and has been folded. This typed letter gives information about a loan and was sent to Mary L. Huntington in Milton, MA. Mary was married to Reverend Henry Strong Huntington (1836 to 1920). It is signed by Mr. Gibson. There is a record of a Chas E. Gibson Company in Boston in 1914 and a Charles E. Gibson who was commodor of Buck's Harbor Yacht Club in 1926 (Boston). Item # 1 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
(1706) March, 1912 - G. Fred Everett - Provisions - Milton, MA. Condition: Very Good. Billhead measures 8 1/2" by 11" and has been folded. G. Fred Everett provided game and canned goods. This is a handwritten bill presented to Rev. H. S. Huntington in Milton. The bill was for steak, veal cutlets, oysters, and other items. Item # 2 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
(1707) April, 1912 - G. Fred Everett - Provisions - Milton, MA. Condition: Very Good. Billhead measures 8 1/2" by 11" and has been folded. G. Fred Everett provided game and canned goods. This is a handwritten bill presented to Rev. H. S. Huntington in Milton. The bill was for steak and other items. Item # 3 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
(1708) June 20, 1902 - Joseph Breck & Sons - Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store - Boston, MA. Condition: Very Good. Postcard measures 5 1/2" by 3 1/4". G. The postcard was sent from the Mail Order Department to Henry S. Huntington on Highland St. in Milton, MA. It stated that Reverand's order and money for seed was received. Joseph Breck (1794-1873) was founder of the agricultural supply company that still exists today. Joseph Breck moved an experimental garden in 1854 to Nonantum Street in Boston. There are samples of his seed catalog from 1867 on the internet. This postcard dates to the time when the Sons of Joseph Breck were running the seed catalog business. Item # 4 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
(1709) August 2, 1902 - Massachusetts Total Abstinence Society - Boston, MA. Condition: Very Good. Postcard measures 5 1/2" by 3 1/4". G. The postcard was sent the the Society as a receipt of a donation of $1.00, to Reverand Huntington, on Highland St. in Milton, MA. It states the $1.00 donation was forwarded to the Abstinence Society by an Agent who was authorized to canvass the county. The Massachusetts Total Abstinece Society was located in the Wesleyan Building, Room 34, No. 36 Bromfield St. in Boston. Item # 5 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
(1710) May 23, 1912 - Taylor Bros. Laundry - Dorchester, MA. Condition: Very Good. Billhead measures 5 1/4" by 6 1/4" and has been folded. The bill includes a list of prices for laundry and is marked paid. This bill was presented to Rev. H. S. Huntington in Milton. Item # 6 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
(1711) March 30, 1912 - M. A. Morgan, Dr. - Groceries - New Dorchester, MA. Condition: Very Good. Billhead measures 5 1/4" by 5 1/4" and has been folded. M. A. Morgan, Dr. supplied Groceris, Provisions, and Fish. They had a Telephone Connection of 2265 and were located at 7 Dorchester Ave. This bill was presented to Mrs. H. S. Huntington in Milton. Item # 7 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
(1712) May 9, 1912 - The Edison Electric Illuminating Co. - Boston, MA. Condition: Very Good. Billhead measures 6" by 7" and has been folded. This bill covered electrical service from March 21 to April 20th. It was sent to Henry S. Huntington at 222 Highland St. in Milton, MA. It has the meter reading from previous time and current tim. Bill total was $1.80 for the month! The back of the billhead lists pay stations and information about the Inspection of Meters. The earliest information about this company that I have found dates from 1886. Item # 8 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
(1713) May 31, 1894 - Treasurer's Office - Ramsey County, Minnesota. Condition: Very Good. Billhead measures 9 1/2" by 5 1/2" and has been folded. This is one of the oldest items in the collection. The bill was presented to Henry S. Huntington and was for property taxes for property listed in Ramsey County in Minnesota, covering 1893. It was signed by A. N. Nelson who was County Treasurer. The back of the billhead covers Tax Levies for 1893 in various districts. Item # 9 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
(1714) April 1, 1912 - Water Department - Milton, MA. Condition: Good Plus. Billhead measures 7" by 6" and has been folded. This bill from the Water Department was presented to Rev. Henry S. Huntinton at 222 Highland St. in Milton. The bill was for $12.00. Item # 10 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
(1715) April 30, 1912 - New England Telephone and Telegraph Co. - Milton, MA Exchange. Condition: Good Plus. Billhead measures 6" by 6 3/4" and has been folded. This bill is for telephone service Henry S. Huntinton at 222 Highland St. in Milton. the Phone Number seems to be 365-3. The bill was for $2.50 for one month of exchange service. This company was organized in 1883 and provided service to the majority of cities and towns in New England. Item # 11 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
(1716) June 6, 1891 - The Old Colony Rairoad Co. - Milton, MA. Condition: Good. Billhead measures 8 1/2" by 3 1/2". This is the oldest item in the collection. It is a bill for transporting a Roll of rugs from Boston. The bill was for $1.35 and was presented to Rev. H. S. Huntington. It was signed by TB Marsh. This railroad was formed in 1872 with the merger of Cape Cod Railroad and Old Colony and Newport. In 1874 the company also controlled the Old Colony Steamboat Companay. Item # 12 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
(1717) June 1, 1893 - J.S. Lincoln, Dr. - Milton, MA. Condition: Very Good. Billhead measures 7" by 3 3/4" and has a beautiful vignette on the left end. This bill is for 127 Quarts of Milk from May 1! The total bill was $33.22 and was sent to Mr. H.S. Huntington. It is interesting to note that this is dated the same year as the tax bill in Minnesota. This seems to be an extradinarily large milk bill - perhaps because of the large family (six children). Item # 13 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
(1718) October 22, 1900 - Adams Express Company - Boston, MA. Condition: Good. Billhead measures 8 1/4" by 5 1/2" and has been folded. This bill was presented to H. S. Huntington in New Haven, Connecticut. It dealt with transporting a parcel...but parcel was not described. Alvin Adams started in the express business in May of 1840 in Boston with a partner. For the first seventy-five years it was on e of the Nation's Leading Independent Express Comapnies. Item # 14 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
(1719) July 26, 1897 - The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions - Boston, MA. Condition: Very Good. Receipt measures 8 1/2" by 5 1/2" and has been folded. This receipt was presented to the Milton Church and Reve. H. S. Huntington. It was a receipt for the amount of $1.00. There is a complete list of the officers on the left side of the receipt. The back of the receipt has a list of publications. this Board was officially chartered on June 20, 1812 in the Commonwealth of MA. The first missionaries saild for Calcutta, India In February, 1812. Interesting NOTE: One of the founders of the Mission was Jedidiah Huntington who had been appointed by George Washington to serve as Collector of Customs in New London, Connecticut. His son was Rev. Joshua Huntington who was pastor of the Old South Church from 1811 to 1819, and was also secretary of the Foreign Mission Society of Boston. Item # 15 of The HUNTINGTON GROUP
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